Whilst many people think about lost places, Carina Landgraf is ready to go on her next adventure into the unknown. The professional photographer, book author ("Vergessener Glanz - Lost Places in Europa"; published by Mitteldeutscher Verlag) and urban explorer is about to visit just another of so many mysterious, abandoned places across Europe. She sees herself as a diarist of the magnificense and uniqueness of antique architecture. Driven by the passion for nostalgia and as a wanderer troughout time she is dedicated to find sites that have not yet been deprived of their vintage beauty by our modern and fast moving society and to capture their history. She has always been fascinated by entchanted objects that can reinvent themselves through the slow recapture of nature. For Carina these are true time capsules full of tales, waiting to be read. Therefore she photographs atmospheric sceneries in contrast of light and shadow, aged shapes and new textures which create new virtual essays of the past and the present. Her photos show the silent beauty and the macabre deterioration of these objects and sometimes revealing their secrets. Let her take you on an amazing visual journey behind locked doors and 'keep out' signs. It will offer an impression of the incredible world of ancient buildings.
Die Fotografin und Autorin ("Vergessener Glanz - Lost Places in Europa"; erschienen bei Mitteldeutscher Verlag Halle) Carina Landgraf versteht sich als Chronistin vergangener Pracht und Einzigartigkeit. Sie ist seit jeher fasziniert von verwunschenen, historischen Objekten, die sich durch die langsame Rückeroberung der Natur mit einer gewissen Melancholie neu erfinden können. Für sie sind dies wahre Zeitkapseln voller Geschichten, die darauf warten, gelesen zu werden. Deshalb fotografiert sie diese atmosphärischen Plätze im Kontrast zwischen Licht und Schatten, alten Formen und neuen Texturen und schafft so virtuelle Essays über Vergangenheit und Wirklichkeit.